All change is not growth, just as all movement is not forward.


Below is a timeline of the projects that have gotten me to where I am today. (No Judging)

My Timeline

Building things while working a full-time jobalong with owning and operating two small businesses has caused my development progression to be very slow and methodical. The one thing this has allowed me to do is learn many different technologies and how to integrate pretty much anything. 

April 2012

Built My First Website.

The first site I ever built, I built this while I was still in School. Do not judge me by it!

Started Building Custom Weighing Software for the Industrial Sector.

Messy Developers Desk

Learned tons about integrating different technologies while working at Mettler Toledo. Learned to build with C# using the .NET frameworks. Also how to build software installation files for production ready software.

August 2013

Sept 2016

Decatur Morgan County Entrepreneurial Center Website.

DMCEC Site Pic 2017

Built site for the Decatur E-center that integrated a calendar of events, email, and custom graphic content. Used HTML, CSS, and JavaScript for this one.

Kickin & Screenin Website.

The website for our first business. It seems as a developer my own projects and sites always end up last...
This site was built using HTML, CSS, and PHP.

May 2017

March 2020

K&S Internal Quote Tool.

Internal Quote Tool

This is an internal project I built for our Kickin & Screenin Custom Apparel business.
I used Svelte.js and Vercel Hosting in this application.

Hunny & Babe Company eCommerce Site.

Hunny and Babe Co. eCommerce Site

This site is the eCommerce store for our newest endeavor, home decor and custom wooden signs.
Made with Ecwid eCommerce and Vercel Hosting.

Sept 2020

Nov 2020

Avery Marie Maternity eCommerce Site.

Avery Marie Maternity Webstie

Built an eCommerce Solution including automated messaging, shipping, and provided business consulting services.
Made with Ecwid eCommerce and GoDaddy Hosting.

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